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Click here to see the shirts added on 6/07/10

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chizzi  06/21/10 11:18 pm
You need to do a shirt that shows a chart of the anthropological degeneration from Todd down to that little retard Trig (with some kind of sign that shows that Bristol is a cunting whore), with Sarah following Todd. You should denote this as 'the natural order of things.' Then you should show 'the real order of things' in which Todd still is king, a snowmobile is in the middle, and all 3 leftover whorish and disgusting retards are shown drowning in a cesspool. Then maybe an american flag on a dilapidated trailer. Fuck the shit-sucking Palins!
Sam  06/22/10 3:36 am
Palin has been played out to oblivion. Whoevers idea it was to run her as VP should be shot point blank in the genitals. And what's so bad about masturbating raccoons? It's about time someone stepped up border security :P haha.
Arc Cahlon  06/22/10 4:04 am
GSBAHOL. I love that I have to use that sometime
Anti Halo  06/22/10 5:52 am
I hear that Palin got a boob job. Thank God...The last thing we need is another outspoken bumbling conservative moron with saggy tits. We already have Rush Limbaugh.
Iman Azol  06/22/10 6:31 am
I recall you had the "Retarded conservative babies for Palin" shirt. I guess Drool or whatever his name is is just too fucking retarded to remember that.
Wade  06/22/10 9:24 am
Ya Sara Palin shirts would be funny and so would shirts with Wayne and Garth going "SHAWING"! 'Cause you know its so original.
Oh ya, and is that the worst you can do?! I know comparing any one to Carrot Top is an insult, but even muhammed isn't that cool. Its almost a compliment.
kevsliver  06/22/10 9:42 am
Fuck these morons in the ass and feed them beans. Now to the real bidness at hand. What is taking your lazy nigger ass so long to pick a BP shirt design? I have gone through a warehouse full of Colt 45 waiting for this fucking shirt. Come on dick milker get it done.
Lt. Commander Data  06/22/10 10:20 am
What about the "I'm the one Sarah Palin had to blow to get the VP nomination?" shirt? Bunch of Johnny-come-latelies (or cum or spooge lateies). If you love SM, trust in him to get the ideas needed for TSH to remain the of shirts. And I'd bang Sarah in a heartbeat...
AZ KRAKHED  06/22/10 12:23 pm
Isn't SM a Chick?
G. Blair  06/22/10 3:01 pm
Tell these assholes to lighten up... You guys keep making t-shirts and for those that don't like, QUIT COMING TO THE WEBSITE!! Use the thing that keeps your ears separated for something other than a hat rack. I think the mohammed shirt will piss off the lot of the islamic people, so what, this is America. Land of the FREE, as in PRESS, THOUGHT, SPEECH, etc. Nice shot to the "religion of peace". Remember, not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim.
kaze_weiss  06/22/10 6:11 pm
there is really no point to make a shirt and I agree with the editor, this bitch is exactly like the clown that is on the new shirt.
Babosa  06/22/10 7:27 pm
LOL should die next to Palin. Her stupidity is rooted so deep that it makes her unfuckable (fuck material being the closest thing she came to accomplishing).
Hamsterchick  06/22/10 11:07 pm
Fuck him on the Palin thing. Like she hasn't had enough bullshit to deal with, with liberal fucks. They are afraid of her. Oh did I mention, fuck 'em? Put more of that anti-obama crap out there for us. ;)
Relic  06/23/10 1:41 am
I don't think anyone is afraid of Sarah Palin, except maybe Todd Palin. If she would just be quiet and go back to Canada, no one would care anymore.
Ambush Hamster  06/25/10 1:24 pm
I was going through my grandparents barn the other day and found an Obama lawn jockey complete with a horse that looks exactly like Michelle in the face, the ass is smaller though.
All the bird shit on it from being in the barn adds even more authenticity, they smell like real niggers.
george  06/25/10 4:35 pm
how can anyone truly make fun of Sarah Palin? She is perfect.
ZombieToast  06/27/10 2:48 am
No Palin shirts because it's not funny anymore? When has that ever stopped T-Shirt Hell?

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Iman Azol  06/22/10 6:34 am
Yes, because journalists today are so respected. Almost as much as the slack-jawed yokels who fuck sheep and eat toe jam, or the niggers who pick up old hubcaps and mufflers to recycle for 50c a day, or 0bama.
Aj  06/22/10 7:23 am
You know he's scary because he's too cool to spell it with an "O."
Steve  06/22/10 8:14 am
I've looked at the comments too and a lot of people seem to only get a kick out of stringing together relatively random "offensive" words into an insult, presumably so they can try to remember it and use it against the other middle schoolers. It's been a long time since I saw an old Thing that people are telling you to get back to, but my guess is, if anything is really all that different, it's that your writing is actually better now. The last sentence of the first paragraph is a really good example of that too.
Lt. Commander Data  06/22/10 10:24 am
I would like to see The Thing come back, as it allows SM and Angry Black Lady the opportunity to opine on the world via monologue and not just by response to retards. In any case, I like the writing :) You wonder why people keep setting themselves up for shit like the well-worded SM comeback...
double_frick  06/22/10 4:36 pm
hands down the best piece of journalism i've read in years...thanks.
kaze_weiss  06/22/10 6:22 pm
What the Fuck is wrong with swearing and since when the hell do people give a shit on what others think.
Babosa  06/22/10 7:09 pm
Aimless swearing doesn't make you funny. It makes you a half-wit cunt. Then again, being called a journalist is now an insult.

Note to the editor:

While you're reading my stupid asshole comment remind yourself to get an identity. Why change your entire writing style to accommodate your imbecile readers if they're so beneath you?
Crawl out of your ass and take a breath of fresh air.
kaze_weiss  06/22/10 7:57 pm
if you claiming that the general responses are ignorant ones then the only response is because there are a lot of stupid/illiterate people responding to your own responses and you should really get of self-made pedestal
Kim  07/30/10 1:31 am
I think you are fucking awesome.

  Comments (43) - View Comments - Add A Comment

Master Fluffy  06/21/10 11:08 pm
Hey Marianne hows Gilligan? Oh and go fuck yourself with a rusty Roto-Rooter you dumb sack of self-important soap box standing narrow-minded mutton, I say mutton becaus your a fucking sheep and should be butchered like one.
Maybe if you looked up from your own self important twat twaddling and did some real research you would realize what a screw loose nutcase Miss Ingrid Newkirk actually is, stop giving money to PETA and give it to an organization that actually helps animals instead of claiming they do while they freeze the puppy corpses till they can be dumped in a Micky D's dumpster in a few nights, unless of course the have a fund raising dinner or need to horror up a dog farm with a few rotting corpses or something.
Do you actually READ what the fuck those PETA assholes want? or maybe you can't read I mean I know school must have been hard for you what with sucking cock to pay for drugs and all but you should still be able to get someone to read it to you instead of just looking at all the pretty pictures on the PETA website. They want "total animal liberation" that means they want no pets, farm animals, meat, seeing eye dogs, rescue dogs, and animal research. Which is what keeps Ingrid Newkirks second in command alive by the way, she needs horse insulin to live but its Ok she says "I need my life to fight for the rights of animals." yes and Hitler needed those Jews to test out his weapons on so his men could fight to "protect" the rest. Fucking douche bag bitch. In short what they want is no animals killed, for any reason ever, animals should be free to go any place, so anything, shit anywhere and generally fuck up everything we have built in the history of human civilization, because they can't defend themselves. Yeah well neither could the 90lb guys your boyfriend used to sodomize in high school when you were out playing "daddy please don't touch me there".
Ingrid Newkirk and her pack of PETA assholes, of which I include you Marianne, are nothing but a pack of horse fucking power trippers, most of who don't even have the IQ to actually find out who and what they are fighting for. So Marianne please for the love of go take the cock out of your mouth and do some fucking research next time before you decide to mouth the fuck off about shit.
Oh and the t-shirts that you bitched about do more to protect animals with their humor and examples of how not to treat an animal than Ingrid Newkirk and her pack of puppy killing pals will ever do, so fuck off about it. Oh and FYI I have two dogs, Moose and Max, a Bearded dragon, a fish tank with a Japanese fighting fish and I grew up on a farm with everything from cattle to goats to buffalo and horses. So I know more about animals than you ever will.
EAT ME! and have a nice day,
So says Master Fluffy
beez  06/22/10 12:16 am
OMG, that editor's response was so hilarious I spilled coffee all over my keyboard through my nostrils!
Dys  06/22/10 12:49 am
it may be hurtful .. violent .. maybe even tearful or angering .. but if you have a functioning brain stem ... it's fucking funny ass hell LMFAO Got a recipie for tuna safe dolphin salad?
EmperorJoe  06/22/10 4:09 am
Tried it.... Needs salt.
Pita  06/22/10 4:35 am
How is offending something that can't read offensive?
It's like swearing at someone in a language they don't understand, case and point: Marianne is a zona tipsha.
Put that in your rhino horn pipe and smoke it.
Joy  06/22/10 5:05 am
In 2009 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) reportedly "rescued" 2,360 animals. Of those, they adopted only 8 into new homes. The remaining -a staggering 2,352 animals - they killed. That's a kill rate of more than 90%.
marley56  06/22/10 6:08 am
I belong to People Eating Tasty Animals as well and I don't find anything offensive or abhorrent, Oh wait they kind of mean the same thing don't they? Well if they would quit having sex with the animals maybe they would get a life.
Iman Azol  06/22/10 6:37 am
Here at the farm, I used to waterboard cows before slaughter, but now I'm moving on to pissboarding them. Then I tie rabbits to my hubcaps and dogs to my bumpers and see how fast they can run. Then I shove smoking shotgun barrels up the cunts of PETA whores.
Aaron  06/22/10 6:43 am
That is just fucking hysterical! Nice!
debo  06/22/10 7:02 am
Seems like a waste of good PCP, maybe put those animals in front of the tube for a couple of hours watching Obama run his mouth. That should piss them off enough to want to kill each other!
Keep those recipe's coming, its almost the 4th time to BBQ.
DKarn  06/22/10 8:28 am
that bitch needs to do her homework on PETA, they hate anything but no kill shelters and kill over half the animal brought into their main shelter.

I guess it really is People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.

On another note beef is my favorite meat, it is like you can taste the soul.
Flyjunkie  06/22/10 8:30 am
Yeah, Peta is a bunch of hypocrites .. Visit and learn the truth of Peta's so called Liberating Animals.... Peta actually means "People Encouraging Terrorist Acts"
johnny Q  06/22/10 9:13 am
I've long wanted to start a restaraunt that featured exotic animals, the specaility would be Panda Patties with a side of Pegun Poppers, appetizers would be Tiger Penis deocrated in Elephant Tusks served with manatee soup. Long live PETA (Pussy Eating Toenail AnimalCracker) that is the acronym for PETA right?
Natedawg32  06/22/10 9:32 am
Yea offending animals doesn't matter as long as you don't actually do anything to them, its not like t-shirt hell actually tries these things out on animals to see if its worthy to be a shirt. Just jokes with words to be entertaining thats all
TheRipeTomata  06/22/10 9:41 am
I get a buzz every time I read about someone complaining to a tshirt website over something they find offensive ON A FUCKING T-SHIRT. I am personally too shallow to care about anything but myself and too smart to think complaining will do anything. Do something important, like go throw paint on some rich cunt so she has to buy another fur coat.
Wade  06/22/10 9:58 am
FkyJunkie is absolutely correct!! PETA pays people to blow up college facilities! "Well we didn't know that any one would be in there". Fucking retards!!
You have to be ass backwards stupid to believe anything PETA champions for!!! First of all, humans are mammals, its been proven by science. Second of all we as mammals are Omnivorous, that means we need to eat plants and animal to be strong and healthy. Also proven by science! Third we are at the top of the food chain, that means we can eat any fucking animal we want!! To deny all this is delusional! So the next time you go to a dentist ask him what types of different teeth you have and what they are for. Mother nature and evolution have way more to do with our diet then your ignorant sensibilities!
ASPCA should be removing kids from vegetarian homes!! They look just as emancipated as those starving horses and dogs!
Nick  06/22/10 10:08 am
PETA is a bunch of fucking idiotic wackjobs. They will never, ever, EVER see a penny of my money..that'd be better off going to a local shelter or some other place that will actually use it to help animals other than using it to stuff their pockets while they're throwing puppies into a dumpster (look it up, PETA does it).
anit-peta  06/22/10 10:30 am
hey Marianne,
check this out:

why don't you find more about the organization you join before you hate on others?
Lt. Commander Data  06/22/10 10:32 am
PeTA also won't condemn the actions of the ELF or ALF (Earth and Animal Liberation Fronts). Those are the ones who love to go around and blow up SUV's and release animals from testing facilities. PeTA is a bunch of wackoffs...
Lohead  06/22/10 10:38 am
This site is a Goddamn National Treasure, Maybe the greatest editor's response EVER!
Phlip  06/22/10 11:20 am
PETa people are so very misinformed about so many issues. That's an organization that needs to go away.
Paul Reubens  06/22/10 11:24 am
It's strange how these Peta posters of naked women protesting about animal cruelty make me want to choke a chicken.
Iman Azol  06/22/10 12:12 pm
PeeWee: I'm pulling for you.
Yuri Tarded  06/22/10 12:27 pm
All the anti-animal cruelty people go on about how people cutting a chicken's head off is cruel because it still runs around in pain.

Not if you cut its legs off first.
ViviWannabe  06/22/10 1:19 pm
I was going to post a comment about how PETA does more harm than good and about how whacked their priorities are, but there's no way I could say it better than Master Fluffy.
Angus McShagnasty  06/22/10 3:36 pm
I saw this woman campaigning for peta in town today, she said "there is no war in the animal world" and that "humans are the only violent species."

She wasn't too happy when I pointed out that Ducks reproduce almost exclusively through gang rape.
Spatchcock  06/22/10 4:21 pm
If humans weren't meant to eat animals they wouldn't be made out of meat.
Scott  06/22/10 4:28 pm
This is your best one yet!!!!
Babosa  06/22/10 6:03 pm
What do you think animals eat? I heard the croc hasn't been eating his veggies lately. Better get the switch:no cow skin.

BTW, who's gonna come to the defense of plants? They're alive too, aren't they?

If we can't have either then what do we eat?
Dips on nails. Hair, anyone?
HackJacker  06/22/10 6:04 pm
Love the shirts mayn, something to offend everyone, keep it up, meaning, ye know, without the need of viagra, but still standing tall saluting the hot chick just walked by
kace_weiss  06/22/10 6:28 pm
PETA members should just keep their mouths shut, I mean if their that worried about the animals then shouldn't they at least worry first about their habitats and how Global warming will eventually take out all of animals and us along with it.
marko  06/22/10 8:46 pm
Fuck the monkeys & Seals, but horses are OK by me.
5-O'Clock Charlie  06/22/10 9:44 pm
hilarious...about shit myself! A+
Relic  06/23/10 2:19 am
How about every PETA donor gets a free dead rottweiler? And if you act now, you get a box full of kittens. Perfect for kitten pie!
Iman Azol  06/25/10 7:43 am
Kace Weiss: You should reduce global warming by fucking killing yourself.
Nylon Phantom of the Parking Lot  06/25/10 8:16 am
Good start Relic, I could sure use more kittens. I have a live Rottweiler and he is on an all kitten diet. I have had to start feeding him some cats too though as there are no kittens left within a 2 mile radius.
kaze_weiss  06/25/10 11:17 am
@Iman Azol
Death seems to be on your mind as well as torture yet you dont seem to have the balls to actually pull the trigger on yourself. Which would actually do some good in the world since there will be one less bastard in the world.
kaze_weiss  06/25/10 11:27 am
@Iman Azol
Death and torture seem to always be on your mind yet you still seem to be alive and probably guessing that its because your too much of a little bitch to actually kill yourself.
Shrink-wrapped Star Pigeon of the Afterlife  06/25/10 1:15 pm
I'm doing my part to fight global warming.

When I have the A/C on, I leave my windows open.
Greasy Brass Manatee  06/25/10 7:40 pm
According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we�ll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo.

So, in other words, nothing is going to change.
patra7  06/27/10 2:14 pm
That bitch might have just made me buy the "This T-shirt is 100% organic" shirt!
Angus McShagnasty  06/27/10 8:29 pm
Recently I�ve been doing my part to help stop the onslaught of global warming.

Not because I care about the environment, I just hate the homeless.
CrapBurger  07/06/10 1:02 pm
Not Funny Asshole! I don't have PCP. Any other bright ideas?

  Comments (21) - View Comments - Add A Comment

not charlie  06/21/10 10:55 pm
I think charlie might be suffering from an illusion of class, and more importantly, an inability to recognise irony... he'd probably even go so far as to call it surreal. Can't wait to not buy the new $300 shirts ;)
marley56  06/22/10 6:02 am
Hey I like Palin and her nice breast, I mean her ability to shoot a weapon. Tell the liberal SOBs to go and F%&@ Themselfs.
Iman Azol  06/22/10 6:39 am
Chartlie: Just thought you'd like to know you don't know how to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. I guess you're a shithead.

Thought you'd like to know.
Ban you don't like freeshee  06/22/10 7:24 am
These people who actually write to complain about shirts on a website are FUKIN LOOOOSERS! Go live in CHINA if you don;t like FREE SPEACH!
I think the comments and even more the Replies are FUKING HILARIOUS! LOVE IT! Keep it up! I enjoy the hate mail almost more than the shirts! LOFLCIEFWYH!!!! (laugh out fukin loud cuz its even funnier when yur high)!!
Kevin  06/22/10 9:18 am
Holly Shit! I read these hate mails and it's amazing that these tools completely miss the entire point of your tee's. Wake up people, oh wait, upper class white america, thats the ticket.....and most likely "Educated", ie rainwashed............ROCK ON TSHIRTHELL!!!!!!
TheRipeTomata  06/22/10 9:45 am
I wish I gave a fuck, trashy customers, I might have been offended.
Dutch  06/22/10 9:47 am
genius, as always.
a little to the left  06/22/10 9:59 am
actually PETA stands for People Euthanizing Trillions of Animals

and if i could avoid being shot at by a bunch of terroristic attention whores.. id love to set up a hotdog stand next to every PETA anti meat protest
Lt. Commander Data  06/22/10 10:36 am
If you don't like something, to you it will suck donkey testicles. If you do like it, it's like Lady GaGa teabagging you while you hold her head down and order her to take more. What point is the writer trying to make? "I hate your shirts, classless, they suck." I can say the same thing about the author, but I pay him no mind... as he should to whatever he doesn't like...
Angus McShagnasty  06/22/10 11:19 am
There is a stereotype that black people tend to have a have a huge penis and white people have a small penis.

This is something Lady gaga and Venus Williams both resolutely deny.
Elton John  06/22/10 11:21 am
I once fucked Lady gaga doggy style.

Well, I licked her balls.
Robyn  06/22/10 12:16 pm
Sense of humour = Trashy. LOLIMT (Laughing out loud in my trailer. Refer to first hate email for hilarious reference.)
Commander Riker  06/22/10 12:32 pm
Charles is a mindless fuckstick. I'm proud to be a trashy customer.
AZ KRAKHED  06/22/10 3:05 pm
TRASH?? You call fuckin your sister and makin meth in your bathtub trash? fuck you then.. hehe
thegrafter  06/22/10 5:27 pm
Oh god please make that a real shirt. But maybe put it on sale for poor people if we buy them in bulk so we can widely distribute them as christmas presents for everyone we know.
kaze_weiss  06/22/10 6:32 pm
Woo!!! Premium, but really charlie should take what ever he has up his ass and just deal with the fact that he is still unable to comprehend that these shirts are the highest type of class that anyone can wear
Babosa  06/22/10 6:40 pm
Trashy customers? There is a reason why you're here.

Given the "taste" of mainstream, I rather burn my buds. Classless? Have you not seen the fucking classy shirt specifically directed at your bitching? As far as I know you can ditch the white collar shirts and replace them w/ TSH ones for a more elitist look. Nothing says I'm educated like purples.
Steph  06/22/10 8:50 pm
This is one "trashy customer" who thinks anyone associated with PETA should be forced to eat their weight in their own feces.
Tanya  06/23/10 6:44 am
Why would anyone offended by 'trashy' t-shirts be visiting a website called ''?? If you don't like what is here, then don't visit the site.
Patrick  06/27/10 9:04 am
I would like to have that shirt, But at regular price.
eviltwin  11/05/10 11:45 am
@marley56: you realize (I hope) that the pics isn't the real Sarah. Its Lisa Ann the porno thespian who has done a couple of features where she plays a politician with a resemblance to Ms Palin. Except she has way way better cleavage and an IQ way way larger than her shoe size.
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